
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dreading the Holidays?

Holidays are a little different for small businesses.

We aren't relieved that it is a break, we are fretting that we don't have as much income for a few days or a few weeks! Retail stores who are taking advantage of the buying season are not as strapped (not until January at least), while business to business companies often find things put on pause.

So what are some things that we can do during this time?

If you are experiencing a slowdown;

1. Plan for the new year. With the day-to-day rush of business, you probably don't have that much time to be strategic or reflect upon your business. Are you still going in the direction that you had originally set out? Are you still happy with what you business is doing?

2. Follow-up with customers and reinforce your relationships. Send out those emails, catch up on those emails that have been clogging your inbox, and call the people who are typically busy and unreachable. Just don't be too pushy. Although you will be able to reach some people that are typically busy, not all of the decision makers are going to be in the office. So it is still difficult to get things moving forward. So just aim to build the relationship, so that when they are busy again they will make time for you.

3. Rest. You don't get too many opportunities like this. You will be more prepared in the new year, if you take the time to refresh yourself now.

There is nothing that you can do about the slowdown during the holidays, so you may as well take advantage of it.