
Monday, November 8, 2010

Are You Changing Every 2 Months?

Scientists say that every single cell in our body changes every 7 years. This explains why our hair and taste buds can change over time.

Is a business the same way? How long does it take to replace every part of a business?

Coming up to my 2 year mark has made me reflect on how my own business has evolved. I've gone through many stages:
1. Pro bono stage where I figured out where my niche was
2. Focus on a niche market and operationalizing what I did best
3. Growing the customer base
4. Expanding the product and service offering
5. Merging with another company
6. Focusing on a smaller niche market
7. Growing the customer base in this more focused niche market
8. Expanding the product and service offering for them (again!)

In fact, when looking back I realized that I had a phenomenal paradigm shift almost every 2 months. Focusing and then being able to re-invent myself was key to my company's growth.

- Being focused adds credibility. If a small business doesn't focus, the customers don't understand what they do or believe that they are capable.
- Being able to change is equally important. Flexibility is a small business' competitive advantage.

How often should this be happening in your first 2 years? That will depend upon the business. But keep in mind, if you are not learning and changing....your competition is.